Teyrnasu fry mae Ef yn awr
Yno y mae fy Mrenin mawr

(Crist yn Frenin)
Teyrnasu fry mae Ef yn awr,
Gan edrych rhwng y sêr i lawr:
  A gweled mae fy enaid gwan
  Yn teithio o'r anial fyd i'r làn.

Eistedda ar ddeheulaw'r Tad,
Y nef sy'n fflamio dan ei draed;
  Ar orsedd wen, ofnadwy'n wir,
  Yn nghanol y goleuni pur.

Mil myrdd angelion yn ei ŵydd,
Ag enaid rhydd yn moli'n rhwydd:
  Seraphiaid a cherubiaid lu,
  Yn seinio drwy'r
      holl nefoedd fry.

Mewn gwisg i'w draed
    a gwregys aur,
Fy Mrenin cadarn yno cair,
  Ger bron ei Dad
      yn cofio'i loes,
  Y goron ddrain ac
      angeu'r groes.

              - - - - -
(Dat. xxi. 1,16,19,20,22,23,&c. - Rhan II)
Yno y mae fy Mrenin mawr,
Yn edrych rhwng y sêr i lawr;
  Yn awr yn gweld fy enaid gwan,
  Yn teithio o'r anial fyd i'r lan.

Mi wela draw fy anwyl Dad,
Y nef sy'n flammio tan ei draed;
  Ar orsedd wen ofnadwy'n wir,
  Ynghanol y goleuni pur.

Mae myrdd o angylion yn ei wydd,
Ag enaid rhŷdd yn moli'n rhwydd;
  Seraphiaid a Cherubiaid lu,
  Sy'n seinio'n fra'
      yn y nefoedd fry.

Mewn gwisg i'w draed a gwregys aur,
Fy Mhrynwr cadarn yno cair:
  Ger bron ei Dad yn cofio am loes,
  Y goron ddrain ac
      angau'r groes.

Teyrnasu mae fy Rhosyn per,
Ymhlith y saint uwchlaw y ser;
  Mewn cariad, hedd a gras didrai,
  Yn eiriol tros ei anwyl rai.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Colne (<1875)
Courland (F J Haydn 1732-1809)
New Court (Hugh Bond)

  Rhan I - Cod f'enaid gwan yn fuan gwel
  Rhan III - O flaen y fainc mil miloedd mae
  Rhan IV - Yno mae'r apostolion mawr
  Rhan V - Wel dyma hwy'r gadwedig hîl

(Christ as King)
Reigning above is He now,
While looking down between the stars:
  And seeing he is my weak soul
  Travelling up from the desert land.

Sitting a the right hand of the Father,
Heaven is flaming under his feet;
  On a white throne, truly terrifying,
  In the midst of the pure light.

A thousand myriad angels in his presence,
With a free soul praising readily:
  A seraphic and cherubic host,
  Sounding throughout all
      the heavens above.

In clothing to his feet
    and a belt of gold,
My firm King is there to be found,
  Before his Father
      remembering his anguish,
  The crown of thorns and
      the death of the cross.

                - - - - -
(Rev. 21:1,16,19,20,22,23,&c. - Part 2)
There is my great King,
Looking down between the stars;
  Now seeing my weak soul,
  Travelling up from the desert world.

I see yonder my beloved Father,
Heaven that is flaming under his feet;
  On a truly terrible white throne,
  In the middle of the pure light.

There are a myriad angels in his presence,
With free souls praising extravagantly;
  A seraphic and cherubic host,
  Who are sounding pleasantly
      in the heavens above.

In raiment to his feet and a belt of gold,
My strong Redeemer is there to be found:
  Before his Father remembering anguish,
  The crown of thorns and
      the death of the cross.

Reigning is my sweet Rose,
Amongst the saints above the stars;
  In unebbing love, peace and grace,
  Interceding for his beloved ones.
tr. 2018,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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